Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction services offered in San Diego, CA

If you are tired of back pain, clothes that never fit quite right, or bra straps pulling at your shoulders, you may be a candidate for a breast reduction. Board-certified plastic surgeon Rishi Jindal, MD, at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery in San Diego, California, offers breast reductions to individuals and uses advanced surgical techniques to ensure you get beautiful results. Call Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery or schedule a consultation online today.

How is breast reduction performed?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, removes excess breast tissue or implants to decrease one or both of your breasts. Dr. Jindal may recommend one of the following techniques:

Traditional breast reduction surgery

Traditional surgery to reduce your breasts is a good choice if you need significant breast resizing. When removing unwanted breast tissue, Dr. Jindal adapts the incision type and location depending on your breast and nipple shape so you heal with minimal scarring and natural-looking results.


Liposuction loosens and removes excess fat cells, which may be a good option if your breasts are still lifted and only need moderate reshaping.

Implant revision

If you’ve had breast augmentation and feel the implants are larger than you prefer, Dr. Jindal can replace them with a more appropriate size.

How can breast reduction benefit me?

While breast reduction can contribute to a pleasing silhouette, it has benefits beyond simple cosmetic surgery. You might pursue breast reduction to:

  • Alleviate back pain now or prevent it in the future
  • Treat gynecomastia
  • Improve your self-image
  • Make your breasts more balanced or symmetrical
  • Improve your athletic performance and ease
  • Fit in clothing more comfortably

Dr. Jindal performs a thorough evaluation before your surgery. Let him know if you have plans regarding family planning or breastfeeding so he can ensure your surgery takes place at an optimal time.

Breast reduction surgery may not be for you if you smoke, want to avoid breast scarring, or are significantly above your healthy weight. Weight loss can reduce the size of your breasts gradually, and Dr. Jindal can recommend cosmetic procedures as needed.

Can I pair my breast reduction with other cosmetic procedures?

Breast reduction surgery acts as a breast lift procedure as well. You can expect shapely, lifted, perkier breasts after your healing period. To help you meet your aesthetic goals, Dr. Jindal can discuss other cosmetic procedures he offers, including body contouring, tummy tucks, or a Brazilian butt lift.

To learn more about expert breast reduction at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.