Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal services offered in San Diego, CA

Whatever your reason for previously pursuing breast augmentation, you have equal freedom to pursue breast implant removal. Experienced plastic surgeon Rishi Jindal, MD, at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery in San Diego, California, performs breast implant removal for maximum safety and beautiful results. To learn more, contact the Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery office by phone or online today.

Is breast implant removal unusual?

Not at all. Breast implants typically last 10-20 years; removal or breast implant revision is the safest course of action. A lot can change in your life in that period, and you may decide that you don’t need them anymore.

When is breast implant removal necessary?

While you never need a reason to remove your implants, in some cases, it is medically advisable. Some possibilities include:

Back pain

You may want to be rid of the weight of large implants if back pain impacts your quality of life.

Capsular contracture

When you receive breast implants, your body naturally reacts to the new weight by building up soft or firm fibrous scar tissue around it. This tissue forms a protective capsule for the implant. Sometimes, however, this capsule of tissue hardens and tightens, resulting in pain and distorting the shape of the breast.

Dr. Jindal alleviates your pain by removing the implant and tissue capsule.

Rotated or shifted implants

Whether due to an accident, vigorous exercise, or faulty placement, implants can move out of place and should be manually shifted by Dr. Jindal or removed altogether.

Infection or rupture

It is rare to experience a breast implant infection, but removal is often necessary if that happens. Contact your provider immediately in the case of a ruptured saline breast implant, which will deflate quickly.


If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, you must have your breast implants removed to allow for proper treatment. If you want to replace your implants once you’re in remission, Dr. Jindal can help.

What should I expect from breast implant removal surgery?

Your removal surgery is similar to when you received your implants, so you can go in knowing you’ve handled this situation successfully before. Once you are sedated and relaxed, Dr. Jindal makes a careful incision and removes the implant.

Removing the implant alters the size and shape of your breasts, so you can discuss with Dr. Jindal what your goals are for your body. Body contouring treatments can lift and firm the area without implants.

To book a consultation to discuss whether breast implant removal is best for you, contact Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery by phone or online today.